This is the 1st release candidate for RealThinClient SDK v8.0 and a recommended update for anyone using the RTC SDK and/or RTC Portal VCL. It is compatible with all Delphi versions from Delphi 7 up to Delphi / RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin and all supported platforms (Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS32, iOS64 and Android). Below, you can find a short summary of all changes from v7.78 and up to the current v8.00 release ...

1. "TRtcConnection" component extended to provide direct access to all properties and most methods of "TRtcDataClient" and "TRtcDataServer" components by using the "Sender:TRtcConnection" parameter directly from RTC events, without the (previous) need for explicit typecasts.

2. "TRtcDataRequest" component extended with "Write", "WriteEx" and "PostMethod" methods to simplify preparing and sending of requests with no request content body and/or content body small enough to fit into Clients Memory and to remove the (previous) requirement to *always* implement the "OnBeginRequest" event.

3. RTC components extended with a number of new methods and events for centralized logging and monitoring of all content being received (Client and Server side) without messing up the original content, while at the same time allowing raw data to be modified in-place if needed, before it goes into "processing".

4. Fixed a bug in the "TRtcHttpClient" component which resulted in the "OnResponseDone" event and the last "OnDataReceived" event (with Response.Done=TRUE) NOT triggering on the Client if the Server was closing the connection after every request (HTTP/1.0)

5. TRtcValue objects extended with new methods for "REST" support and improved parsing and generation of XML-RPC and JSON content (including support for "JSON-RPC 1.0" and "2.0")

6. RTC Remote Functions ("TRtcServerModule" and "TRtcClientModule" components) extended with built-in support for "JSON-RPC 1.0", "JSON-RPC 2.0" and plain "JSON" Data Formats, plus a number of new "Data Request Modes" which can be used to communicate with a lot of different 3rd-Party APIs and/or write APIs for use by 3rd-Parties - including "REST" and other request modes where any part of a remote function call can be in the "URI". With "DataReqModes", you can even make complex remote function calls from the Address line of any Web Browser - if you enable this mode on your "TRtcServerModule" component, which can be used for quick testing or to provide public APIs for use by a 3rd-party.

7. "TRtcFunctionInfo" class (used to store and transport remote function objects), has been extended with new methods and properties to simplify writing and calling remote functions which accept parameters as an array (usually sent/received in the 'params' array) in addition to (or as a replacement for) named parameters.

8. Added support for using anonymous methods as an alternative way to write event handlers for all RTC components. For this purpose, new "Anon" methods have been added to all RTC components, with an overloaded method for each event type.

For more details about changes between the RTC SDK version you are currently using and this update, please check "Updates*.txt" files, which are located in the "HELP" folder and included in the "zip" file (download link above).